Chris & Deborah Woo-Miller

are adopting a child from United States of America

Dear Friends & Supporters,

We are beginning the process of domestic infant adoption and would love your support in this process. Since Chris was adopted (as an infant from India), we know firsthand the positive impact adoption can have on a child’s life, and have always had it in mind for part of our family building process. We persevered through the adventure that was getting married during the global pandemic and have been trying to start our family for the last couple of years. As we have navigated through infertility issues this past year, the conversation about adopting someday for a second kid shifted to the idea of building our family through adoption now. And since we have not been able to have a baby of our own, at this point in time we strongly desire the experience of raising an infant to experience all those early milestones with them.

If you know Deborah, you know she has always had a heart for kids. She can often be found making silly faces at and entertaining whatever child is in the room and has long dreamed of the day she would have a child of her own. If you know Chris, you know he has been elementary school teacher for almost a decade and is ready to upgrade from uncle status to dad.

It may surprise you that the average cost of domestic infant adoption in the United States can range from 50K to 80K. It certainly was a surprise to us! It is for this reason that we are asking our family, friends, faith community and supporters to consider donating to help ease the financial burden we never anticipated would be involved in building our family.

The fees which adoption agencies collect are so high because they cover:

  • Living and medical expenses for the birth mother
  • Legal fees for transfer of parental rights
  • Legal fees associated with adopting out of state and adoption finalization
  • Counseling for birth parents
  • Outreach fees to help expectant mothers find our agency and thus our adoptive family profile.

You can play an integral part in helping us realize our dreams of becoming parents and enable us to provide a loving home for a child in need. We have chosen to use this specific crowdfunding platform so that any donations you choose to make are tax deductible. (You can also give to the foundation via check or charitable giving platform.)

Your love, support, and prayers mean more to us than you know.


Deborah & Chris

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched

Adoption Agency

American Adoptions


  • Update 13

    5-yard line

    June 22, 2024

    We've taken turns fighting a stomach bug this week, but in the midst of that have been working on getting the content together for our print profile. Another round of reflecting on who we are, what our dreams for life for our family are, and how incredibly blessed we are to have the life, family, friends, and community that we do.

    It's incredibly humbling to think about how loved and prayed for this baby already is by so many of you and how this incredible village of love and support are part of what we can point to as to why someone should choose us to raise their child.

    We are hoping to get the print profile content wrapped up and sent to the editors before leaving for our Minnesota trip and then we should be on track to go live the second week of July!

  • Update 12

    15-yard line

    June 9, 2024

    If you've been in conversation with Chris, you probably have had a sports or political analogy drawn to whatever is the topic of conversation. Well for the adoption process, we are now on the 15-yard line, which in a football game would mean you are close to scoring a touchdown!

    We reviewed a draft of our home study last week and sent it back to our social worker for some edits.

    We filmed our interviews for our adoptive family video profile and sent the footage off to Show Pro Media who will edit those interviews, B-roll we have filmed, and photos we compiled into a 3-4 minute presentation of us that is the most likely way a birth mother will choose us.

    Our last big to-do list item is the more traditional print profile for birth parents to look at as well.

    Today we also hung a banner in our living room reading Team Baby Woo-Miller. It has some notes (and coloring) from people who were at our gathering last weekend. We also have added the names of everyone who has so generously given towards our adoption and any notes you sent through this platform. (If you gave your donation anonymously, we don't see the names on our end, so let us know if that's you so we can add you to the banner!)

    This banner will be our encouraging reminder as we enter the waiting period of all of you that are cheering us along in this journey.

    With much love and gratitude,
    Deborah and Chris

  • Update 11

    Adoption Profile Launch Party <3

    June 1, 2024

    Our hearts are full after a fabulous day getting to be showered by love from so many of you! It was great to be able to gather some of our family and friends from so many spheres of life together for a celebration as we are getting close to our adoptive family profile going live. We got lots of great suggestions for baby names, advice both heartfelt and silly, and feel buoyed by a time of getting to pray together as we enter the waiting period of this journey.

    This afternoon we also filmed a bunch of B-roll for our Video Profile. Next week we are hoping to film the actual interview clips for the video profile and to send that off to the agency's editing team soon!

  • Update 10

    Final Home Study Interviews

    May 21, 2024

    Yesterday I (Deborah) had my individual home study interview with our social worker and Chris will have his on Friday. The social worker has read the autobiographies we wrote, so after reading those and the couples interview from his original visit, the individual interviews are tailored by him to help fill in any information he feels like he needs to have a clear picture of who we are, why we are drawn to adoption, and what our support system for our family will be like.

    There are a few other paperwork things making their way through the necessary systems, but our home study process is almost complete!

  • Update 9

    Other Parts of the Home Study

    May 4, 2024

    Before we started this journey, I assumed the home study mostly involved a background check and social worker home visits. There have been so many other aspects!

    Today we finished autobiographies we needed to write which will be followed with individual convos with the social worker. And we are listening to the 3rd of 4 education courses we need to complete.

    Trying our best to keep things moving forward with work feeling very busy as Chris wraps up the school year.

$47,500 raised of $45,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • John J Woo matched $5,000
  • Omer Olson and Connie Miller matched $5,000
  • Tom and Judy Tsao matched $1,500

Donations 148

  • Lydia Huang gave an undisclosed amount
    We love you and cherish your friendship. Supporting you through this process
  • James Federico gave $200
    Sorry I couldn't do more, but I hope this helps. Hang in there; you're almost at the finish line!!

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao

  • Vanessa Montesdeoca gave $30
    I, too, faced infertility challenges so I know how it can weigh heavy on a heart that longs to build a family. I pray your process goes smoothly and that your family is blessed with many years of joy.

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao

  • Ryan Gipson gave an undisclosed amount
    Love you guys.

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao

  • Jeanne Yee gave $500
    Your wonderful journey has begun with this adoption. Best of luck from Auntie Jeanne and Uncle Bruce

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao

  • Rob & Corrine Jacobs gave $250

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao

  • Roger Cheng gave an undisclosed amount
    Best of luck with everything!

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao

  • Margaret and Jack Ma gave an undisclosed amount
    We are so excited for you both and praying for a smooth adoption process. We can’t wait to welcome your little one into our church family.
  • Melissa Nahm gave an undisclosed amount
    Yay for baby W-M!
  • Kristy Chang gave an undisclosed amount
    So excited for you guys and your growing family!