Chris & Deborah Woo-Miller

are adopting a child from United States of America

Dear Friends & Supporters,

We are beginning the process of domestic infant adoption and would love your support in this process. Since Chris was adopted (as an infant from India), we know firsthand the positive impact adoption can have on a child’s life, and have always had it in mind for part of our family building process. We persevered through the adventure that was getting married during the global pandemic and have been trying to start our family for the last couple of years. As we have navigated through infertility issues this past year, the conversation about adopting someday for a second kid shifted to the idea of building our family through adoption now. And since we have not been able to have a baby of our own, at this point in time we strongly desire the experience of raising an infant to experience all those early milestones with them.

If you know Deborah, you know she has always had a heart for kids. She can often be found making silly faces at and entertaining whatever child is in the room and has long dreamed of the day she would have a child of her own. If you know Chris, you know he has been elementary school teacher for almost a decade and is ready to upgrade from uncle status to dad.

It may surprise you that the average cost of domestic infant adoption in the United States can range from 50K to 80K. It certainly was a surprise to us! It is for this reason that we are asking our family, friends, faith community and supporters to consider donating to help ease the financial burden we never anticipated would be involved in building our family.

The fees which adoption agencies collect are so high because they cover:

  • Living and medical expenses for the birth mother
  • Legal fees for transfer of parental rights
  • Legal fees associated with adopting out of state and adoption finalization
  • Counseling for birth parents
  • Outreach fees to help expectant mothers find our agency and thus our adoptive family profile.

You can play an integral part in helping us realize our dreams of becoming parents and enable us to provide a loving home for a child in need. We have chosen to use this specific crowdfunding platform so that any donations you choose to make are tax deductible. (You can also give to the foundation via check or charitable giving platform.)

Your love, support, and prayers mean more to us than you know.


Deborah & Chris

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched

Adoption Agency

American Adoptions


  • Update 18

    Our Adoptive Family Profile is Live!

    July 26, 2024

    Our Adoptive Family Profile is live! You can view our whole family profile that birth parents will see at

    We invite your prayers for our profile making it way the to the right birth parent and for us as we enter the very strange waiting period of not knowing when we will get a call and what state it might be from!

  • Update 17

    Paperwork is in the mail!

    July 20, 2024

    Our activation agreement is signed, notarized, and on it's way to the agency, which means our adoptive family profile should be able to go live by the end of next week! Towards the tail end of my COVID fog, I sorted through the hand me downs and things we have collected so far. The registries linked below show the things we anticipate needing, when we still don't know exact age or gender. (For example I apparently have a bunch of sleepwear for a 0-3 month old but no short sleeved body suits!)

    There are some things that would be helpful to have soon, given needing to live out of state the first few weeks, like a travel washing set for bottles, bags for stroller and car seat, and the babylist sample boxes.

    If you have any of the things listed as a hand me down, let us know and we will take off the list!


    Amazon (which made me put an expected arrival date, but we really have no idea!):

    And, if you're a recent parent and have a better suggestion than some of the items listed, I welcome the advice! :)

  • Update 16

    Video and Print Profiles Completed

    July 17, 2024

    Been meaning to post this update for a while but we have been down with Covid.

    Last week, we received and approved the draft of the print version of our profile. So the agency now has everything they need, information-wise to display us as a hopeful adoptive family. There are a few contracts we need to review, sign, and get notarized, which getting Covid has delayed. Once the agency receives those documents (hard copy we have to mail) and the funds we requested transferred from this fundraising page, we can become an active family.

    Once everything is live, we will share the links here. It's a bit surreal after all these months of preparing that it's almost go time for Baby Woo-Miller!

  • Update 15

    Video Profile Draft Received!

    July 2, 2024

    We are part way through our summer Midwest trip and were surprised and delighted to get a notification that a draft of our adoptive family video profile was ready for review! I thought there might be nothing stranger than recording interview clips and B roll footage of our life, but it turns out watching a draft video is even stranger! They collected so much from us that wasn't included in the video, so it was interesting to listen and watch and try to get a feel for if our life is represented well or if we had feedback of what was missing to paint the mot accurate picture of our daily lives. One step closer to going live, eek!

  • Update 14


    June 24, 2024

    The to-do list has been long, for so long, that I keep thinking there must be something left that we still have to do. But I think we're finally DONE!

    Chris triple checked our profile text answers today while I looked for photos to match our answers. It's an interesting exercise to think about what photos best capture your life and might help paint a picture for a birth mother of what life their child might have with you.

    Our profile question answers have been uploaded. And to submit the photos we were required to send the physical files, so a flash drive with 100 photos will ship out tomorrow to the agency office in Kansas.

    With any luck we will get the drafts of both the print and video profiles around the same time in mid-July and then it will be go time!

    While searching for photos I rediscovered one of my favorite photos from my first Minnesota trip. I often refer to it as Chris' album cover. Enjoy!

$47,500 raised of $45,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • John J Woo matched $5,000
  • Omer Olson and Connie Miller matched $5,000
  • Tom and Judy Tsao matched $1,500

Donations 148

  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Schwab Charitable on behalf of Cameron and Charlene Ashizawa gave $2,000
  • David Duran gave an undisclosed amount
  • Kristina Kanemoto gave $50
  • Anonymous gave $150
  • Anonymous gave $95
    You are going to be parents! 🎉
  • Dylan Ballantine gave $100
    Really happy for you guys- was lovely to meet up with you in the cities. Takes a ton of courage, but you guys are going to be great parents.
  • Desiree Peterson gave $100
    I will continue to pray for the days ahead! Love you both! Desiree

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao

  • Robert Erickson gave an undisclosed amount
    Best wishes, Chris and Deborah. I'm sure you will be great parents!

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao

  • Aksel and Casey Krafnick gave $100
    We love you two so much! We would love to help you achieve this dream. Much love from MN!

    Matched by Tom and Judy Tsao