Travis and Elizabeth Treadwell

are adopting a child from United States of America

We have BIG news!

We are in the process of trying to adopt for the second time.

Our dream has always been to have a family of four, and we would love to give our sweet Tyler a little brother or sister and complete our family.

We are working with the same adoption agency that we did with our first, so our future son or daughter will be born in the DFW area.

Adoptions cost upwards of $30,000 so we are trying to raise as much of that as possible.

We could not do this without the incredible support of our family and friends. Thank you so much for helping our dream come true!

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched

Adoption Agency

Hope Cottage


  • Update 8

    New years update

    January 4, 2024

    We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year Celebration!

    We started the new year with another call about a potential match but it didn't work out this time. Our agency let us know that they are working with a few other Birth Mothers at this time so we should plan on getting some more calls in the near future. Please continue to pray for our hearts as we go through the ups and downs...In the meantime we are just trying to be prepared for when our time comes whether that is next month or a year from now! Thank you for sharing our profile and helping us be financially ready!

  • Update 7

    The Wait...

    September 26, 2023

    We have officially hit the one year mark since we started this whole process. Since June, we have received 5 calls about potential matches but they have all either fallen through or we didn't get chosen.

    The Devil is hard at work in my mind..."you're not good enough" "Of course they wouldn't pick you" "Maybe you just aren't meant to have another child" "Why are you so selfish?"

    Of course I know none of that is true but it doesn't change the fact that rejection hurts. Every call followed by rejection feels the equivalent to having all the symptoms, getting excited but then seeing a negative result on a pregnancy test. It STINKS!

    We are continuing to hold tight to the truth that God has a perfect plan. He knows the time and once we are matched we will see how perfect the wait was.

    Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. We love you all!

  • Update 6

    Contract signed!

    June 5, 2023

    We received confirmation today that our Home Study was finalized and we signed our contract with our agency! This means that we are officially a "Waiting Family" and our profile will now be shown to potential birth mothers. This is the hardest part of the journey, its where we cannot do anything but wait.

    Please continue to pray for us during this wait and that we will have enough funds when we are matched. We have full confidence that God has already chosen the child for our family and that he will provide.

    Thank you all so much for supporting us. We could not do this without you!


    The Treadwells

  • Update 5

    Home Study Complete!

    March 17, 2023

    We completed our Home Study yesterday and it went very well! It was a little easier the second time around... our Social Worker is so wonderful and made us feel at ease through the entire 6 hour long process ( 3 hours of individual interviews at the agency on Tuesday, and 3 hours of joint interview, Tyler interview and house tour on Thursday).

    We are so relieved for this part of the process to be over, and we now move on to our next step which is making a new profile book which will be shown to birth mothers who are wanting to make an adoption plan.

    We don't know what the timeline looks like from here, it's the part where our patience and faith must be strong. With our first adoption, we were matched with Tyler 2 months after our home study was complete. However, we know that that was considered a miracle and are preparing ourselves to potentially wait more than a year to be matched.

    God already has this all mapped out. We are going to trust the process completely! Thank you for continuing to pray and share our profile.

    Love you all!

  • Update 4

    Home Study Scheduled!

    March 6, 2023

    Our home study is officially scheduled for March 14th and 16th.

    On the 14th, they will individually interview Travis and I at the agency. On the 16th they will come to our home, interview us together, talk to Tyler and look through every nook and cranny in our house!

    Going through this a second time isn’t so bad, but still stressful and invasive. Thank you for continued prayers! We love you all!,

$30,025 raised of $30,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 77

  • The Bohn Family gave $750
  • Sharla Guess gave $100
    So very happy for you all!!
  • Melanie Martin gave an undisclosed amount
    So happy for you guys!
  • Lewis Lee Treadwell gave $5,000
  • Jennifer Treadwell gave an undisclosed amount
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Christy Oakes gave an undisclosed amount
    Praying constantly for the next TREADWELL! <3
  • Craig Needham gave $100
    Praying for your new addition this week! What a blessing!
  • Banleigh Sullivan gave an undisclosed amount
    Praying for you all and this next chapter!
  • Kristine Jennings gave $50
    Praying for your sweet family❤️