Phil & Hannah (Judkins) Critchfield

are adopting a child from United States of America

Our adoption journey has been long, and has had many twists and turns along the way.

We initially set out in 2022 to pursue a private adoption. We went through the home study and got approved in 2023 for infant placement. We raised funds and secured a finances to make sure that we could adopt an infant without having to worry about the cost – we discussed the details and high cost of private adoption in previous posts. We prepared a nursery and all the things we’d need to welcome a baby into our home. And then the adoption consultancy we were working with went through major changes in staffing and how they interacted with clients. This change left us in a position where we felt we needed to part ways with that agency at the end of 2023 and work with a local adoption agency in 2024.

During this transition, we prayed and sought direction on how to grow our family. We started by considering doing private adoption through the new agency. Then, we considered adopting a waiting child in the foster care system. And then in the Spring of 2024, God put it on our hearts to adopt a sibling group (ages birth to 8 years old). Not just one or two, but up to four. On top of that, we still feel led to pursue private infant adoption. That’s a big change from our original path, but God knows what He’s doing!

Because of the change in direction, we had to undergo a new home study in 2024 and take different training in preparation for older children. Our home saw some big changes too! We converted my (Hannah’s) office into a bedroom, we integrated play spaces into other areas of our home, and came up with ideas for how we could make more space in our home in the future.

While we wait for an infant match and a sibling group match, we are providing Respite Care for other foster families. This helps us practice the parenting skills we're learning in our classes, get used to the chaos of having kids in the house, and make some adjustments to our home and routines to accommodate kiddos.

Our hearts are open and willing, and we are looking forward to what God has planned for us! Your prayers and generous financial support have made growing our family to this extent possible. This has been a long journey, and it may take a bit longer still. But we are so blessed to have you with us!

Adoption Status

Home At Last

Adoption Agency

Caring for Kids, Inc.


  • Update 11

    First fundraiser

    October 3, 2023

    Last week, we hosted a fundraiser night (our very first!) at Artisan Coffee in Ellet, OH ( It's one of our favorite coffee shops in Akron, with excellent food and coffee, and a very comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. We had about 40 people attend, which was great! And, attendees cleared out the entire display of pastries at Artisan, so it was good for business too - LOL!

    We were so glad to see so many of you join us to help raise funds for our adoption! The feeling of being truly supported really struck deep in my heart - you are OUR community of family and neighbors, old and new friends, former and current colleagues. You are on this journey with us, and it is a blessing to have you with us.

    THANK YOU for showing your support for our growing family!

    With love and gratitude as always,
    Hannah and Phil

    (Photo credit: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

  • Update 10

    Almost 25% raised!

    September 20, 2023

    We wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU and express our deep appreciation toward all of you who have:

    1. Been praying with us through the adoption journey.
    2. Given us words of encouragement, parenting advice, and resource tips.
    3. Generously given financially -- Because of YOU, we are almost at 25% of our fundraising goal!
    4. Passed along previously-loved baby items to bless our adopted child/children. We know it means a lot to you to see your items get a second (or even third, or fourth!) life. We love knowing we're going to be using items that other parents found useful or valuable during their time with littles. And, it means a lot to us to be less wasteful with the things we buy.

    Every act of kindness is seen by the Lord!

    Matthew 6:3-4
    3 But when you give to the poor [make a charitable gift], do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your charitable giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

    We are grateful for everything you have done to help us grow our family!
    Hannah and Phil

    P.S. Here is another photo from our photo shoots with Debra Bollman Photography.

  • Update 9

    Beautiful photos!

    August 22, 2023

    Over the past two months, we've been working with a photographer to take family and friend photos for our prospective parent profile book. We received several photos last night, and I'm delighted with them! Check out our Vimeo link in this post.

    Photo credits: Debra Bollman Photography

    Hannah and Phil

  • Update 8

    Home Study APPROVED, Profile Book IN PROGRESS

    August 9, 2023

    Hey friends and family!

    It's been a busy month with travel, pet issues, and loved ones' health emergencies!
    Here's what we've been up to with adoption stuff:
    • Our Home Study has been APPROVED
    • Our TX background checks are in progress
    • We initiated the profile book process with our designer
    • We've been engaged in photography for our profile book

    About a month ago, we received the signed letter that our Home Study has been APPROVED! That document is hanging on our fridge until we have to send it in. That is a huge relief!

    Also during the past month, we've been working with a local photographer to get portraits and lifestyle photography for our profile book. These photos are going to show our prospective birth mothers us, the hobbies we enjoy, some of our friends and family members, and places we like to go. The profile book will have written stories that accompany our photos, and we hope to have that finished by early October.

    As part of our TX background checks, we had to head to New Castle, PA, for a specific finger printing company's services. Thankfully, they did live-scan and not inked finger prints. There wasn't a whole lot to see in New Castle. It looks like it used to be a thriving small town, but it's seen hard times in the past few decades. A lot of shops were empty or boarded. But, there were two painted Victorian houses we passed on our way out of town that were pretty!

  • Update 7

    Home Study FINISHED!

    June 28, 2023

    Hey everyone! Thank you for following us on our adoption journey!

    We finally have some news to share. After a few months of hefty paperwork and waiting, we finally finished our home study inspection and interviews! That is a BIG weight off our shoulders. We anticipate passing the home study, but I will let you know for sure when we get that official notification.

    God really showed up in the home inspection and interview processes! He smoothed the way, and took a ton of stress out of it. I thank Him for that!!! Because we're planning to adopt an infant, the home inspection was a lot easier than we thought it would be. The social worker took a tour of our home, made sure we had certain things securely contained, reviewed the baby's (or sibling group's) room(s), and chatted with us a bit. The interview portion was not difficult either. We mostly talked about items from our home study application in a little more depth.

    We have our Texas clearances in progress. Why Texas? Because the adoption consultancy we're working with has adoption agencies they partner with in Texas. Texas requires a more detailed background check than other states, so we need to have that all finalized before we are matched with an agency for adoption.

    Next up is our profile book! I'm really looking forward to putting this together. It's going to be how prospective birth mothers gets to know us and our family, so they can make a decision on which family choose will choose for raising their children.

    And, another thanks to God -- He has provided us with so many things for our child/children: baby furniture and clothing items from friends in the area! Recently, someone offered us a very nice stroller, and someone else offered us a crib!

    Please pray for:
    • Wisdom as we put together the profile book.
    • Our upcoming fundraising efforts - that God will provide the resources we need, when we need them.
    • For God to supply us with increased faith and patience in waiting during this process, as He meets our needs.
    • (And, as always...) For our birth mother. For health and safety during her pregnancy, for God to lead her heart to choosing life and adoption for her baby, and for her to have peace of mind on her decision to adopt. This is a difficult decision, and I never want to forget to lift her up in prayer. And, for her to have exposure to the message of salvation in Jesus Christ.

    Thank you to all who have been praying for us, our child, and our birth mother. The results of your prayers are felt, and that means so much!

    With much gratitude,
    Hannah and Phil

$44,440 raised of $55,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • Anonymous matched $1,000
  • Anonymous matched $2,000

Donations 56

  • William Sampson gave $150
    Phill ans Hamnah! Love you guys! Very excited as you plan for adoption. Will be praying for the new addition to family Critchfield. Hope to see you soon! Will Sampson
  • Anonymous gave $70
  • Alicia Brandewie gave an undisclosed amount
    Sending love on this journey!
  • Alice Jones gave $100
  • Bob and Jill gave $100
    We are praying for your child, and for you. May you have peace.
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Braxton Beyer gave an undisclosed amount
  • Todd Wells gave an undisclosed amount
    It is an amazing thing to see you make the choice to adopt and be willing to go through the gauntlet required. Best of luck! And if you need a getaway (with our without kids), my AirBnB in Nevada City CA is at your disposal.
  • Richard Boyd gave $100
    It's an amazing thing that you're doing. Good luck and I hope this helps.
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount