Our journey began the night we met - nearly 13 years ago. We talked about our individual dream of adopting not knowing that we would be making this journey together. Our hope had always been to form our family through biological _ and _ adopted children. We spent the early years of our marriage creating a solid foundation for our family. We wanted to be stable in every possible way - financially and emotionally. When babies didn’t come naturally we began our search to bring them into our lives.
Before we knew it we found ourselves dealing with the devastating pain of infertility. We were heartbroken. The savings we had accumulated as a nest egg for our future children and our adoption plans was quickly slipped through our fingers as one fertility test led to another, and IUI and IVF treatments and medication costs escalated to nearly $54,000. And still that blessing that comes so naturally and often uninvited or even unwanted, eluded us. We were devastated. Our nest egg suffered a catastrophic blow leaving us with what we thought would be enough to cover our adoption. We were wrong.
We realized that perhaps God’s plan was for us to focus on adoption- so we did. Many of you know our story and the challenges we’ve overcome to get this far. We are now waiting to be matched with a baby through our agency. Our total adoption is estimated to cost around $38,000. This includes the cost of our home study, agency fees, attorney costs, etc. While we still had some remaining savings and have continued our efforts to replenish our funds we still need to raise about $16,000.
Making the decision to ask for help was not easy, but the love we have for our future child is stronger than our pride. We thank you in advance for your all your help, whether it be donations and/or prayers. We couldn’t have made it this far without the love and support of so many amazing people.
We’re very blessed already and cannot wait to introduce you to our most precious blessing — our baby.
God bless!